Now Published!

J.S. BACH: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV565

Transcribed for three marimbists by Makoto Nakura

To listen to the recording of this transcription, please click here!

Please send an email to to inquire and place an order.

Makoto Nakura Marimba Transcriptions Volume II

Concert Favorites

Mozart: Ave verum corpus

Schubert: Ave Maria

Irish Folk Song: Londonderry Air

Irish Folk Song: Fantasia on “The Last Rose of Summer” (Watch the video)

Holst: In the Bleak Mid-Winter

Houghs/Yeats: Down by the Salley Gardens

de Falla: Fisherman’s Song

Gershwin: Summertime (Watch the video)

Early American Folk Hymn: Amazing Grace (Watch the video)

Black Spiritual: Deep River

Saint-Saens: Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso

Please send an email to to inquire and place an order.

Makoto Nakura Marimba Transcriptions Volume I

Bach Chorales for Marimba Solo

Makoto has been transcribing Bach’s chorales for himself to play in his concerts over many years. This book includes the famous “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”, “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme” and eight other chorales from passions and cantatas.

To view the contents, please click here

Watch the video of “Befiehl du deine Wege”

Watch the video of “Christ ist erstanden”

Please send an email to to inquire and place an order.

To view or purchase Makoto’s other original transcriptions, please click here

 “To watch Makoto Nakura whirl through a Johann Sebastian Bach gigue on the marimba is to witness musical channeling at its best. Bach’s profound spirit shines through on an instrument associated more with Latin rumbas rather than 18th-century polyphony.  He played the marimba with an illusionist’s ease and a virtuoso’s speed and flair. This was no gimmick.”

-The Oregonian